A year ago, I was miserable. I weighed 215 pounds, was in constant pain, and lived in a black cloud of pre- and post-partum depression.
And time slid forward, one moment to the next, from kisses and smiles and giggles, sleepless nights and heartbreak, worry and loneliness, joy and love and family. We are nearly on the other side of a year, and Ivy Mae has a mommy who is strong, physically and emotionally. I could never have done it without the unconditional and unrelenting love from my family and friends.
We are so blessed to have this beautiful child. She is willful and strong, delightful and kind. She is a bundle of Zen: there isn't a thought in her mind except the moment right in front of her. When it's over, it's the past, and the only thing she uses the past for is to learn the next new thing she needs to know. She doesn't worry about the future. She stays Right. Here.
Here's to Ivy Mae, our almost-walking, almost-talking lesson in the Meaning of This.