Friday, May 22, 2009

Poor Tiny :(

You can see in these pictures that Ivymae has as cold...but she is being such a trooper! (Don't worry, Gramma and Aunt Kelly...She's still good for travelling, she just might be sleeping a lot this weekend!)

We were climbing and looking out the window...we a had a relaxing Friday morning of bananas, playing, and now napping! She was so chatty this morning too, even though she doesn't feel well. "Uh oh, Dada! Dada, uh oh!" :)

Even through her cold she wants to play and play! What a buddy.


BFF said...

Maybe this child has a cold because...she never wears any clothes!

Aunt Kelly said...

OOOOOhhhhh! Poor little muffin! Look at her little snot nose :( I don't care if I get her cold, as long as I get to see her!!! :)