Mommy and Matt are getting married!
I knew that Matt was having his mom's rings restored, and I was excited. I didn't know when they'd be done, or how he would do it! On the 12th of November, Matt took me to see "Faith Healer" at the Guthrie, which we both LOVED, but was, as he puts it, "comically unromantic." It was very heavy!
It was cold and drizzling, and we were hungry after the show, so we went to our favorite late-night noshing, Great Waters in Saint Paul. We went back to Matt's house off West 7th, and Matt said, "You want to take a little walk?" I thought, "Um...it's kind of cold and rainy, but sure..." so we had a surprisingly pleasant stroll through the neighborhood. We got back to the house and I got my things from the car, and went up the steps to the house. He grabbed my hand and said, "Wait..." fumbled in his pocket and brought out the ring. He knelt on one knee and said, "I love you more than I can say. I love your daughter, and want to be a father to her. I love your family and want to be part of it. I want to join my life with yours. Will you be my wife?"
I said yes. Of course!
June 12th, 2010. Be there!
We are so excited, and thanks to our families and friends. We love you all very much.