Last night, Matt built a fire, he and Mommy, Aunt Jaimee and Mizz Ivy had a blast rolling around in the dirt and grass. SOME of us tasted leaves and sticks, which we found were not as delicious as they looked. It was the first time Ivy noticed things on the ground...we might have a future Girl Scout! We all had bottles in our hands, of one type or another. ;)
I'm so grateful to be a Midwesterner...there's nothiing like throwing together some supper, good friends, beer, and laughter. We are so lucky!
Ivy is trying her best to crawl, but just doesn't like being on her tummy. With lots of grunting and scooting, she gets where she needs to go, though.
Her dad is a master behind the grill, so lots of backyard time is planned in the coming months. Matt also has a huge backyard! Who needs a vacation when you've got grass and a blanket?