Watching Miss Punky travel her own way around the living room this morning, all the anxiety of the past few weeks seems kind of silly. This little cupcake is such a miracle...a year ago today she was kicking to get out, and now she's toddling around the living room. Ivy is so loved, it seems amazing some days that one little person could be so adored by so many people. I wish every little one was that loved. And Mommy is loved too! (She needs to relax a little bit, though...)
Yesterday Ivymae spent the day with Great-Grandma Zimm, her cousin Scotty, and her Grandpa Bill and Grandma Jane. What a fun day!
Daddy said that Ivy was "obsessed" with playing with the jacks ball, and loooooved her cousin Scotty, whom she met for the first time! :)