Sunday, May 31, 2009

Where's the owner's manual for this thing?

I discovered this week one of the zillion reasons motherhood makes me insane. It's taken me a while...I mean, what's so hard about taking care of a protohuman all day? She doesn't get mouthy, she doesn't steal the car keys, she doesn't tell me she is SO OUT OF HERE when she turns 18.

She whines.


No no, don't defend her. She is absolutely insufferable. Geniuses are often tyrannical.

I love nothing more than just BEING with this child. She climbs on me, sometimes takes a break and just nurses sort of languidly, patting the top of my breast with her little hand as if to indicate this is good shit, Mom. Then she kind of rolls around, or pulls herself up by her miraculously strong legs. She likes to dance when she does this...a bit of the old soft shoe, you know. The girl would have made a killing in Vaudeville.

But you know...sometimes I have to do other things. Like brush my teeth. Or put on a bra. Pants are also useful. Not only that, but she seems to enjoy clean diapers, so I wash those once in a while too. Also, the aftermath of her meals makes the kitchen look like it's been through guerilla warfare, so I it's nice to have that cleaned up as well.

Whenever I make a move to do one of the myriad of chores necessary to keep the house from looking like we're just squatters here until the landlord catches us, she tends to become very VERY vocal about my OBVIOUS lack of priorities. I set her down, scurry off to throw some diapers in the wash,and she screams so dramatically you'd think I'd just thrown her down the steps of the cellar to the rats. I rush back to jounce her or dance to Beyonce, then scurry off again to wipe now-brown bananas off the floor, more of the same. I rush back to change her...the cycle continues. I have dubbed it, "The Mamarama."

I related this to her father, who generally regards me with a gentle smile and nod as if to keep my various personalities at bay, and he shifted his weight for a moment, cleared his throat, and said softly, "Um...have you thought of maybe putting her in the Pack and Play with some of her pals while you do other things?" I think I literally slapped my forehead with my palm. That's why he's the brains in this outfit, and I'm the boobs.

So I've been doing that this week, with good results. She sometimes moos a little, but then realizes she has lots of pals in that Pack n Play. Piglet and Giant Bunny are good for a laugh, for sure. She looks up at me now from inside the white mesh netting as if to say, "Mom, SERIOUSLY. These guys are HILARIOUS!"

I've decided not to feel guilty about gleefully singing the old Smashing Pumpkins hit from my fast-fading youth when she's in there:

Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage!

There's just something wildly amusing to me about singing about this googly-eyed bundle of snuggles like she's an angsty teenager locked in her room.

The girl is a genius though, no fakes. Just in time for the Big Birthday, she's holding up "Number 1!" She knows what's up. I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, and she said, "Oh Mommy, just being with you every day is a gift!" I'm pretty sure that's what she said. It was while she was being changed, and sounded a lot like, "Baba doo, baba doo!"

I've been trying to make a mix CD for everyone at her birthday party, with all kinds of fun songs on it that remind me of Miss Ivy Mae. I had to pause today when Matt pointed out, "Um...this one might be kind of vulgar for a mix of songs inspired by a one-year-old for her grandparents." Oy.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Just an FYI...

If anyone besides me was concerned about my milk supply, rest your weary heads. Pumping was needed STAT!!! :)


Friday, May 22, 2009

Poor Tiny :(

You can see in these pictures that Ivymae has as cold...but she is being such a trooper! (Don't worry, Gramma and Aunt Kelly...She's still good for travelling, she just might be sleeping a lot this weekend!)

We were climbing and looking out the window...we a had a relaxing Friday morning of bananas, playing, and now napping! She was so chatty this morning too, even though she doesn't feel well. "Uh oh, Dada! Dada, uh oh!" :)

Even through her cold she wants to play and play! What a buddy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


That's been the word of the day! We've been saying that since we woke up...

Mommy: Do you want your bob? (bottle)

Ivy Mae: Uh-oh!

Mommy: Do you want some mango?

Ivy Mae: Uh-oh!

Mommy: How about Piglet? Do you want to snuggle?

Ivy Mae: Uh-oh! Uh-oh, Mama!

So here's Ivy Mae saying "Uh-oh!" and eating her mango. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


How do you measure a year in the life?

A year ago, I was miserable. I weighed 215 pounds, was in constant pain, and lived in a black cloud of pre- and post-partum depression.

And time slid forward, one moment to the next, from kisses and smiles and giggles, sleepless nights and heartbreak, worry and loneliness, joy and love and family. We are nearly on the other side of a year, and Ivy Mae has a mommy who is strong, physically and emotionally. I could never have done it without the unconditional and unrelenting love from my family and friends.

We are so blessed to have this beautiful child. She is willful and strong, delightful and kind. She is a bundle of Zen: there isn't a thought in her mind except the moment right in front of her. When it's over, it's the past, and the only thing she uses the past for is to learn the next new thing she needs to know. She doesn't worry about the future. She stays Right. Here.

Here's to Ivy Mae, our almost-walking, almost-talking lesson in the Meaning of This.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's that time...

I'm sure that neither I nor Michael EVER threw temper tantrums, so I can't imagine WHERE she gets this idea from! ;)

It's true, we're starting our first tantrums, and this woman is one who knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to tell us! When she's happy, she's the happiest child in the world, and when she's mad, you are in TROUBLE, mister!

We love her in all her moods, through the throwing and screaming...she's our Ivy Mae!

These are from yesterday...her new thing is crawling under her exersaucer.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ivy Mae: What a dish!

Miss Ivy M. had a great weekend!
Friday we spent the afternoon in Matt's backyard, playing in the sun. Saturday we went to see a short film Mommy did for a film class as MCAD, and Ivy sat and watched quietly...much too quietly for an eleven-month old! That lasted until we decided to be a wiggle worm and Matt and Megan held her for the rest of the time...thanks. ;)

Sunday afternoon Daddy's friends Pete and Axel came over, and Ivy Mae had a playmate for a few hours! She had fun having a "big kid" around.

She spent some time outside this morning, examining grass and playing with Mommy and Aunt Jaimee.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Creeper Crawler

i am not a pretty girl
that is not what i do
i ain't no damsel in distress
and i don't need to be rescued
so put me down punk
maybe you'd prefer a maiden fair
isn't there a "Kitten" stuck up a tree somewhere?