We love to spend time with our friends. This week we spent the day with Solomon, Nova, and Charlotte Midwinter! We went to the park, had snacks, played with the Kitty, and Solomon and Nova showed Ivy and Charlotte their excavating skills by "digging out" an "ancient" Roman Sundial. We decided to make a project out of it and dig out one piece each week until we have enough for a whole one! Then we will put it together and see if we can make it tell time!
Today Ivy got up at 6:00, had breakfast (to which she yelled, "YAY!") and then requested she watch "Jessica." (Murder She Wrote)
Ivy also sat on the potty today, albeit with her jeans still on. :) She pointed to her potty, then to the big potty, and said, "One potty, one potty, TWO potties!"
Now she is sitting on her potty, watching Murder She Wrote, wearing her purple hat. It is that kind of day.