I am thrilled beyond reason to report that I can go back to hating Paris Hilton. I don't care HOW much self-winky winky you can muster, if you are schlocking horrifically terrifying fake hair under the endorsement, "That's hot," then I'm sorry, I can't do anything for you. It's a shame, too, because Paris and I had a whole tutoring schedule set up and everything. I would teach her how to read, and she would teach me about tanning. Alas, I don't think our relationship can continue; I just can't teach someone I don't respect.
And now for something completely unrelated, did anyone catch the Democratic National Convention last night? I didn't, but I scurried around the ol' Information Super-Highway (it's really just a series of tubes, is what it is) and watched as much video from the convention as I could find. So if you didn't catch Senator Kennedy's speech, please watch now. It's pretty good.
Finally, you may or may not know my affinity for baby elephants. So here it is: I LOVE BABY ELEPHANTS! Which is why this is EXTREMELY HEARTBREAKING!
Happy Tuesday.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago