I became a showboat the first time I saw "Singin' in the Rain." Something about Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor, and GENE KELLY!! tapping in a living room on top of furniture and singing "Good Morning" to each other sparked MY SOUL, people, MY SOUL. I remember immediately putting on Mary Janes and climbing on our kitchen table performing my own version of "Good Morning," and tap-dancing. I wager my parents would argue that my thrill for performance came earlier than that, but that's my earliest memory.
No matter where I'm at in my life, my favorite-est to be is in the middle of a stage with a spotlight on me. Either that's really immature or...yeah, it's probably really immature. But I'm all about honoring the showboat in myself, and today's tribute is to the Showboat Princess of the World, Mizz Liza (With a Z!) Minelli. The Queen being, of course, her mother. This video will make your day, and captures the exact essence of what makes me happy...although I suspect Liza was doing a lot of coke here. But still, bon appetit!
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago