Mommy is taking the day off today! Something about "cleaning this place before your Daddy gets home!" and "looks like it's been pillaged by pirates." I LOVE pirates! Mommy is so funny.
I am writing today to give you tips on eating. Eating is very fun! It is pretty much my favorite thing to do, besides chewing on shoes and bouncing.
First of all, you have to make sure that you are being fed by a spoon. This is very important! You will need it later.
Okay, so open your mouth, because someone will be slipping mushy stuff into it. You will have to endure this for a little while, otherwise you will miss the best part:
Spoons are amazing in every way. Apparently, you can place food in the little round part and use it to toss food onto the floor, or down your pants, or down Mommy's shirt! Amazing invention!
This part lasts for as long as Mommy lets you do it. I enjoy a nice lukewarm oatmeal down my pants, back, or even as a fun hair product. This is for a maximum eating experience!!!
When Mommy finally decides it is time to clean up, it's DESSERT TIME!!! And by dessert, I mean the washcloth she uses to clean your face. It is delicious! I don't recommend it for actual face-washing; yucky.
This is a best way to enjoy a meal. For some reason, though, I'm always still hungry afterwards...
Here are some pictures of me eating...I am so good at it!
Bye bye!