How could I be luckier? It was my first Mother's Day, and what a perfect day it was!
I started the day off with pancakes and eggs and the Beatles on vinyl! As a lot of you know, pancakes and The Beatles are the surest way to my heart...:) We then went to pick up Miss Ivy Mae for a trip to the Minnesota Zoo! What a button!
Ivy had a big day. She spent the morning at the MOA with her Daddy at the Race for The Cure, then Mommy and Matty took her to see the animals!
It was Ivy's first trip to the zoo, and we weren't sure what she would think. It didn't see like she could really see everything very well, so we skipped the animals that weren't moving. She got face to face with a goose and lamb, but DID NOT like when the mama ewe said, "BAAAAAAAAAAAA!" right in her face! We had to have some hugs after that. :(
After seeing the reindeer, Ivy decided she was having a blast, and called out to everyone we met on the path, "Heeeyy!! OOOO!!!!" She laughed hysterically!
Thank you so much for such a wonderful day, especially to Michael and Matt. You both made me feel so loved and appreciated! :)
And OF COURSE, the reason for the day is our SUPERSTAR!!!