Becky (Lenius) McKeever, Kate Kennedy, Laura Howting Geislinger, Miranda Wingerter Meunier, Megan Fatheree

Alex McKeever, Aidan McKeever, Emma Meunier, and Ivy Mae Kennedy-Schwartz

Well, from Fall of 1998 to Summer of 2009, this is where we are!
We all got together at Dan and Laura's house on Sunday for a BFCW reunion. We've grown up and apart over the years, but still have a loving, comforting way with each other that is so amazing, and I feel lucky to be part of it.
I especially love seeing my roommate, Becky...God couldn't have put together two more different people to share a tiny space, but Becky was such a wonderful, (patient) roommate...I miss her. We will have to get together soon.
Ivymae has had such a good weekend! Lots of chatting, walking, dancing. Lots of love.