You know your love for your child is undying when you still feel fond of them after a hard day of teething.
I'm not gonna sugarcoat this: I hate teething. Not as much as poor Ivymae does, no doubt, but taking care of this child while teething is like being forced to do everything with your left hand. I feel incompetent, and I have a headache, and I can't pee or shower without a forlorn wail echoing through the halls of the house.
Her father, who is much more patient and mature than I, handles this much better. His patience is also extended towards me, for which I'm grateful. Yesterday, when I finally got into the shower at around 5:00, I started crying. I think mostly because I'm perhaps a tad more high-strung than the average bear, but also because I just felt so unhelpful and ineffective. There was nothing I could do to help her, and more than that, I didn't WANT to be around her. I felt like Annette Bening in that scene from American Beauty when she can't sell the house and she starts crying and slaps herself in the face, and says "Shut up, you baby!" I got dressed and picked her up and just rocked her, even though she was squirming and obviously in pain. She didn't want ice or her teether, so I just tried to snuggle her. Finally Michael got home and he took one look at me and said, "I'm guessing it's been a tough day, huh?" I was so relieved that he understood I almost started crying again.
He took her last night, and I went on a Date Night. Ivymae was up again from 1:30 to 3:30 with Daddy, so it's been rough for everyone. I comfort myself with the fact that when she's sixteen and crashes her (dad's) car, we'll think fondly back on the days when she was only teething!
This morning I gave her some Ibuprofen befor breakfast, which Michael thought of last night. (Why must he be so much SMARTER??? MAN, that guy is good.) she's been playing and pulling herself up and rolling around in the living room, and it's been nothing but heaven.
I think I need to get simple when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Just forget about all the other stuff I need to do, and just sit with her. I mean...nothing else is really that important, right? She's lovely and amazing, and being such a trooper...much moresoe than Mommy. :)
Tomorrow we head to Ames overnight for my cousin's wedding. Ivymae will get to see a lot of family! Most importantly, Grammi!!!!