Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ivy is an angel. I have decided this after much thought. She is teaching me patience, kindness, priorities, and self-love. I doubt she is aware of this, but along with being an angel, she is also a genius, so anything is possible.

This girl is CA-RAAAAZY about her Daddy. As soon as he walks into the room, her face lights up. You can almost hear her Inner Monologue saying, "Get this old broad outta here, my MAN is home!" They talk to each other in Daddy And Ivy Language, and I don't understand a word of it. I can't even conjugate its form of "to be." Granted, we have our own language as well, so it's all good.

Apparently, her love of the bath does not translate into her love of water in general. Michael turned on the sprinklers today and there was immediate Pouty Face...not fear or panic, just, "I don't LIKE that thing!" I wonder if it just LOOKS weird to her for some reason.

Well, a cake has been decided upon. It is a chocolate cake, and we're having homemade frosting! Don't get too excited, partygoers. It will probably be an inch high and taste like a bath mat. I ain't no Becky Home-ecky.

Michael went out to get DQ, for old times' sake, i.e. when I was preggo. As long as we're all nostalgic, I should have asked for 3-cheese kettle chips and pear juice from Byerly's. And a Crispy Chicken Super-Size meal. HOLLA!!!


Aunt Kelly said...

I LOVE the taste of bath mats. Can't wait.

Did Michael make his look of disgust (about the super sized McDonalds meal) for old times sake as well? HOLLA!

Ivy IS an angel! I think she makes that same face about the sprinklers as she does about Murray...her doggie cousin.

Mommy + Ivy said...

Actually, it was HIS idea! He's all about the DQ. And to be fair, he always got me whatever I wanted to eat...no matter how weird or gross. He's been a good daddy since day 1!!!! :)

Can't wait to see you!!!!